A new take on venture capital. Funding, creating, building & scaling ventures.

Collaborate & Climb

Yellow Venture invests in early-stage, dual-use technology companies that have clear defense applications. In addition to traditional capital investment, YV offers a unique co-founding package to founders that need a few more technical / operational pieces to lineup.

Yellow Venture can take powerful dual-use software solutions from idea to enterprise SaaS in 180 days. Our venture team identifies customer problems, gathers domain experts, and together, co-found impactful software companies.

YV carefully curates companies / product ideas and selects winners that we know can scale and have visible exits. We then go full throttle with our software development team, commercialization & sales team, and dual-use contract team, to ensure portfolio companies have a universal strategic advantage to win government and industry contracts.

Part Think Tank — Part VC

All Innovation

YV likes to focus on dual-use tech products. All of our solutions have both industry sector and Department of Defense applications. You may ask, “how does this financial artificial intelligence software have a defense application”? Well, if it’s in our portfolio it does.

Any products we take on are built with the most stringent cybersecurity methods. If NASA can securely use it so can financial, medical and other market sectors.

AI, LLM, Distributed Ledger, Web 3.0, Quantum, Future-Gen, Cyber

YV thrives on integrating emerging technologies into powerful solutions that solve real problems. From robust AI data engines, large language models, advanced cryptography and distributed ledger tech… our team is comprised of technical experts and founders that have scaled ventures built upon future-gen technical applications.